Rick Kazman
Rick Kazman

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Duration: 4 hours
Language: English with the simultaneous translation into Russian

Workshop Topics

  • Axioms of Software Architecture:
    1. The software architecture of a system is the fundamental artifact that guides development
    2. The design of the software architecture is based on a set of architecturally significant requirements
    3. Architecture design can be made tractable by considering a small number of design primitives, called tactics
    4. Architecture design can and should be guided by analysis
    5. An architecture and the resulting system are developed by people within an organizational and business context, so economic and organizational concerns shape and constrain architecture

  • Realization of the Axioms as *methods*:
    1. Why methods?
    2. Which methods? QAW, ADD, ATAM, DSA, CBAM, ...

  • What a Manager needs to know and do?

  • What a Software Engineer needs to know and do?

Rick Kazman Bio

Rick Kazman, visiting scientist at the Software Engineering Institute, professors in the Information Technology Management Department at the University of Hawai‘i System. His primary research interests are in software architecture, design and analysis tools, software visualization, and software engineering economics. Rick also has interests in human-computer interaction and information retrieval.

Rick Kazman the author of over 100 technical papers and co-author of several books including the books Software Architecture in Practice (2nd edition appeared in 2003) and Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies.


L. Bass, P. Clements, R. Kazman,
Software Architecture in Practice,
2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 2003 (1st ed., 1998).
Amazon.com OZON.ru
P. Clements, R. Kazman, M. Klein,
Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies,
Addison-Wesley, 2001.
Amazon.com OZON.ru

Journal Papers

  • S. Kim, H. In, J. Baik, R. Kazman, K. Han, "Escaping from Red Ocean with Value-Innovative Requirements", IEEE Software, 2008, to appear.
  • Q. Chen, H-M Chen, R. Kazman, "Investigating Antecedents of Technology Acceptance of Initial eCRM Users Beyond Generation X and the Role of Self-Construal", Electronic Commerce Research, 2007, to appear.
  • H-M Chen, Q. Chen, R. Kazman, "The Affective and Cognitive Impacts of Perceived Touch on Online Customers’ Intention to Return in the Web-Based eCRM Environment", Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 5:1, 2007, 69-91.
  • B. Schmerl, J. Aldrich, D. Garlan, R. Kazman, H. Yan, "Discovering Architectures from Running Systems", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 32:7, July 2006.
  • R. Kazman, M. Klein, L. Bass, "The Essential Components of Software Architecture Design and Analysis", Journal of Systems and Software, 79, 2006, 1207–1216.
  • A. Garg, R. Kazman, H-M Chen, "Interface Descriptions for Enterprise Architecture", Journal of the Science of Computer Programming, 61:1 , 2006, 4-15.
  • R. Kazman, L. Bass, M. Klein, T. Lattanze, L. Northrop, "A Basis for Evaluating Software Architecture Analysis Methods", Software Quality Journal, 13, 2005, 329-355.
  • R. Kazman, H. In, H-M Chen: "From Requirements Negotiation to Software Architecture Decisions", Information & Software Technology, 47:8, 2005, 511-520.